Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Small Is In - Making the Most of the Space You've Got!

It is possible to live large in a small space. Space-challenged rooms have earned a bad rap, the truth is the can be the most charming. Think of them as special, not small.
More than in any other room, the trick with small spaces is to use the space you have wisely; to play up any qualities it may have, such as beautiful moldings, a fireplace, or a pretty view; and to choose furnishings and storage solutions that are in scale, that function efficiently, and that are pleasing to the eye. A small space might not require much furniture, but what furniture it does have must work overtime. Simply adding one stunning piece of furniture can change the whole feeling of a small room. Look for furnishings that can do double duty--a coffee table that can be raised to dining table height, and end table with lots of drawer space for plentiful storage, a smaller scale sofa.
Without redcorating at all you can make the space more comfortable and tranquil by clearing it of all visual clutter. If removing the visual clutter doesn't do the job try reducing the number of pictures on the wall or collectables on the tables until you have created a space to rest the eyes. A small room is the perfect opportunity to balance beauty and necessity.

Here are simple decorating tricks you can use to give rooms that seem crowded the illusion of space.

Furniture Layout
Less is more. If you place too much furniture in any room, it will look crowded and feel smaller than it really is. Make sure to leave plenty of empty space around your furniture so the room seems less crowded. When selecting new furnishings, choose items that serve multiple purposes, such as ottomans that double as serving trays, so that you can enjoy functionality without clutter.

Painting for the Illusion of Space
When you want to maximize the appearance of space in a room, it's vital to choose your paint colors wisely. Many people don't realize that warm shades are the best choice for smaller spaces. There are also a number of painting techniques that you can use to help a room appear larger. For example, using light colors on three walls and painting the fourth wall a darker, complementary shade adds depth to an area.

Lighting Matters
The way lighting is used within a room has a significant impact on how spacious the area feels. Rooms that don't have sufficient quantity of natural or artificial lighting tend to feel small. Bringing light into a room is a great way to open it up. One way to make a room seem larger is to direct ambient lighting on the walls. It's also important to make sure that you aren't closing in your space by using heavy, dark curtains that keep light from being able to spill into the room.

Decorative Elements
Utilizing reflective surfaces to decorate a room can also help make the area seem larger. For example, using mirrors as wall art instead of art can make a room seem more sizeable. Decorating with clear glass and crystal candleholders and vases can also contribute to a feeling of openness. "small space, big style" Before and After

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